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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Caralluma - Effective For Weight Loss?

Caralluma Fimbriata is claimed to be a natural weight loss supplement that works by suppressing your appetite so you lose weight faster and more effectively. Some have compared it to Hoodia Gordonii (which is becoming less available due to over-harvesting thus making Caralluma that much more attractive).

Is Caralluma Safe

According to two human, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled human clinical trials, it is safe. The safety of this product has been reviewed by 3 studies of toxicology that were done per exacting OECD guidlines. Caralluma has achieved self-affirmed GRAS stats (Generally Recognized As Safe).

Where Did It Come From?

Caralluma Fimbriata comes from India. Tribes in India chew on chunks of this plant to suppress their appetite when they are out on a day's hunt. This plant is also used by the labor classes of South India to enhance their endurance and suppress their appetites. It is listed as a vegetable and a famine food by the Wealth Of India (this is the Indian Health Ministry's medicinal plants comprehensive compilation).

What Is It Made Of?

Caralluma is made up of key phytochemical constituents: Pregnane Glycosides, Flavone Glycosides, Megastigmane Glycosides, Bitter Principles, Sapnonins, and more. It is all natural and products claming to contain it will contain it in the extracted form.

Does Caralluma Work?

Based on studies conducted on the appetite suppression qualities of Caralluma it was concluded that the plant does work to suppress the appetite. In conjunction with the right diet it is a very viable and effective option for weight loss.

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Acetyl L Carnitine Weight Loss

Acetyl L Carnitine is essential for fat oxidation. It has been tested and proven that it can decrease aging effects. It increases the functions of kidneys and heart along with improving memory and most essentially, aiding weight loss.

Weight and obesity is among the most common problems all over the world today. Everybody is now in a bid to decrease weight. L Carnitine weight loss is just the right way to go. Acetyl L Carnitine oxidises all the fat that is unwanted. All the functions of the body that require lot of energy are assisted by it too. Acetyl L Carnitine simply works by moving all the deposited fat in tissues to the mitochondria where it can get metabolized. Obesity is due to fat accumulation and L Carnitine prevents that thus rendering weight loss.

Sadly, Acetyl L Carnitine is not found in vegetables and fruits. It is found in meat. Red meat is and abundant source of Acetyl L Carnitine. Those who want to lose weight and also, those who are work out freaks and body builders need to always keep their L Carnitine amounts in check and control. Too little of it could cause fat deposition and other serious disorders. Too much of it could be fatal too. It can be taken in from natural foods or even supplements. It not only helps in weight loss but also helps one keep one's body fit and healthy. It is an excellent anti oxidant; especially in the brain where it minimizes risks of diseases and memory loss. It helps in treating infertility, diabetes, et cetera.

Hence, obese individuals and other patients go for Acetyl L Carnitine weight loss supplements. But, there are many things to keep in mind while taking them. Checking them thoroughly so that you aren't being cheated and making sure you are buying from a reliable place is a must. One needs to remember that only supplement intake will not help reduce weight. Exercising and eating healthy is a must so that the fat is burnt more effectively and the results are better and evident.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fast Weight Loss - A Few Tips on Losing Weight Fast

There are numerous diet plans available online that can help you lose weight fast. Some work fast, some work better than others, some are easier to do and some are painful. There are both the more expensive and less expensive methods. We are going to show you some cheap, PROVEN and easy Ways to lose weight fast.

Drink Lots of water

Water is not only the life saver; it indeed helps in losing weight fast and keeping it off longer term. It is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off longer term.

A full stomach filled with water acts as an appetite suppressant, saves you from dehydration which can lead to false cravings/hunger. Water helps keep your body healthy and helps metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush out waste.

Eat regularly

Eat 5 times a day and make sure you fuel your body first thing in the morning. This helps you avoid hunger pangs later in the day. Make sure you don't over eat and the total calories consumed are sensible. Remember you over eat, you become fat again.

Eat lots of fiber

Fiber rich foods bulk you up and make you feel fuller for longer. The body can't digest fibers so it simply goes through the body. During the process it cuts calories consumed by attaching to protein and fat that you eat along with it removes that as well. High fiber foods are low in calories. This helps reducing your calorie intake overall. Eat strawberries, apples, figs, chickpeas, potatoes, beans nuts blah blah blah.

Natural weight loss supplements

Natural weight loss supplements made it easy to lose weight fast. Maintain healthy eating habit and take natural weight loss supplements and you will lose that extra pound fast. Weight loss supplements help burn fat fast and provide better nutrition. As they include all natural no artificial ingredients there is no risk of side effects. Some of the benefits include more anti-oxidants. More anti-oxidants mean more defense against cancer. Greater quantities of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, zinc and calcium, as well as other types of minerals, acids and more that benefit your body. There are some good supplements available and the good news is they are available in free trials too! So get your free trial now and start losing weight fast.

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Cinnamon and Weight Loss - How Cinnamon Can Help You Lose Weight

Cinnamon and weight loss have been shown to go together. Cinnamon is a very well-know herb that offers many health benefits and one of its properties is to reduce the weight. Benefits of cinnamon for weight loss are here:

How cinnamon works on weight loss?

1. Help to control blood sugar level. To understand this benefit, it is needed to look overall effect first. When your blood sugar rises rapidly from the food you eat, insulin is released by your body to neutralize the effects of the sugar. Actually, primary role of insulin is to carry glucose into the cells stored for future use. Therefore when blood sugar spikes, much insulin will be thrown which result in excess fat storage and inefficient use of nutrients.

As one property of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar level, then this can lead to lower amounts of insulin in the body. Food you intake thus has been less stored as fat and been used more efficiently by metabolic processes. Result from a study shows that by taking only 1-6 grams of cinnamon a day for 40 days, blood glucose level is reduced by 18-29%.

2. Cinnamon causes "thermogenic burns". Many warming spices including cinnamon are believed to be thermogenic making body temperature is elevated temporarily. Your metabolic rate is thus raised slightly. Around 50-60 calories can be additionally burnt.

3. Lowering cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol. Cinnamon also works on reducing blood clotting since it is an anti-coagulant.

How to use cinnamon for weight loss?

The recommended dosage of cinnamon is a half teaspoon of real cinnamon per day. The most common way of consuming cinnamon is by adding it to the cup of tea. Many flavored teas blend well with a tinge of cinnamon such as apple and berry flavored teas.

Another way is to mix half teaspoon of cinnamon with 1 teaspoon of honey in a cup of boiling water. Leave this concoction with the cover for 30 minutes before serving. Divide a half of this for drinking before breakfast and drinking the rest before going to bed.

Someone might concern with the high calories of honey. Anyway, taking honey alone may not help you lose weight but mixing it with lemon or with cinnamon can result to a weight loss miracle. Also with its health benefit in helping better digestion can lead to faster metabolism.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast At Home Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Christian Weight Loss Scripture - Be Transformed

A critical Christian weight loss scripture is this one from Romans 12:2: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

In your fight to regain your health using weight loss methods for Christians, the battlefield is your mind. As bible teacher Joyce Meyer puts it, "Where the mind goes, the man follows." Even though you became a new creation after accepting Christ, you must still renew your mind so that your thoughts are in line with this new person. One way to renew your mind is through prayer, praise, worship, and study of the Word.

Have you ever heard the saying, "If you do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got?" If you keep thinking the same thoughts, you will continue to take the same actions. To reverse that, you need to open your mind to new ways of thinking and acting.

Think of your brain as like a computer; it has many programs "installed" on it that help you do certain things. For example, you have a 'brushing my teeth' program, a 'combing my hair' program, and a 'dressing myself' program. Back when you were younger, you may have had to think hard to figure out how to do those things, but now that you have done them over and over, you don't even think about them anymore.

Whether you know it or not, you also have a program running in your mind that is keeping you overweight. You cannot have habits that are controlling your life without having thoughts that support them. Your habits are like the results you get from a computer; your thoughts are the programming that caused those results. So you can't change your habits without changing these thoughts.

Start by examining your thinking. Are you having thoughts that are sabotaging or self-defeating? Then you cannot let them go unchallenged. Just like a computer virus or malware can wipe out the data on your computer, these thoughts can wipe out your good intentions.

So be diligent to change your thoughts to support your goals. And you will lose weight faster than ever before!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

If you want to lose the extra pounds, an effective and natural way to do it is to eat fiber-rich foods. Fiber diet for weight loss is healthy. There are no harmful side-effects and no extra costs. It will even help you look healthier and younger.

For those planning to resort to fiber diet, there are some myths to break and important guides to follow:

Switch to fiber-rich meals

Learn the Three Basic Tips For Weight Loss

A lot of people are interested in losing weight and they are ready to do whatever it takes to just get rid of the fat. They read articles and books concerning methods of weight loss, but mostly, people are unaware of the very basics. You try harder and harder, you skip meals, you try exercising but nothing works on you only because you are not familiar with the fundamental concepts of weight loss strategies. Therefore, this article is meant for you to read and understand the key concepts which will help you devise an organized and effective weight loss strategy.

The first thing you need to know is that whatever you eat, it enters the body in the form of calories, these calories deposit themselves on your muscles in the form of fats and this is how you gain excessive weight. Now in order to ensure that you get minimum amount of calories and maximum amount of energy, you have to cut down on the high calorie diet and start working out. Exercising helps speed up your body's metabolism rate which burns your calories faster. The more you work out, the more calories

Keep in mind that a high carb diet is your archenemy so you should always prefer protein over carbohydrates. Protein help speed up the metabolism and you can digest food quickly and get rid of the unnecessary sugar and fats.

You have to keep yourself hydrated as well your muscles which means you have to drink plenty of water every day. Water consumption is essential for any weight loss program. Moreover, the people who are concerned about their skin and hair should also benefit from water because it helps keep your entire body healthy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fasting Weight Loss Diet

I wanted to take the time to talk to you about the intermittent fasting weight loss diet. It's a very new concept that just came to light after a recent study showed some amazing results. Dr. Eades is the one that conducted this experiment and found out, unexpectedly, that people ended up losing weight. If they had some sort of health issue, it actually improved while on the diet. This made the researcher conclude that by eating this way, you maybe able to extend the length of your life. I'm going to do some investigating and look into this intermittent fasting weight loss solution.

The diet is actually quite simple. You get to eat anything you want, as much as you want, for a 24hr period. The next 24hrs you go on a fast. That's the whole process. You don't have to change the way you eat. I know some of you maybe saying, "but you're starving yourself for a day, you should lose weight". The truth is that the participants in this study ended up eating 2 days worth of food during their eat day. This made no calorie difference between the participants old diets.

I always try to figure out if something is natural by checking out how it would work in a more natural state. Of course, today humans don't eat the most "natural". We are the only animals that consistently get three meals a day (some times more). If you looked at a caveman, they would of hunted for food. Some days they'd catch a big animal and eat a lot, other days they wouldn't find a thing and would go with out. I think a fasting weight loss diet is very natural and a our body (along with biology) is designed for that task.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Exercise Bike Workout For Weight Loss

Here's an exercise bike workout for weight loss. First, I must say that overall, I DON'T like using bikes for working out. Why... because it's an UNNATURAL exercise that doesn't fit evolution. I'll explain this more further along in the article. Look, if you do in fact use a bike, then I'm going to show you the best way to make it work for weight loss.

Exercise Bike Workout for Weight Loss

1. DON'T just ride the bike nice and easy while comfortably sitting on it

Here's a hint you won't burn much fat. Can you talk in a normal conversation while you're exercising? If so, you might as well stop doing it. You're just wasting your time.

2. DON'T ride at the same pace the whole time

This is not going to cause much fat burning. You need to change it up on your body, keep it guessing

3. Do use INTERVALS... high intensity intervals mixed with low intensity intervals

This is the 1 and ONLY WAY to lose a good amount of weight using this piece of equipment. Here is a general outline that works great for most people. You can adjust the times to fit your conditioning.

Ride the bike as fast as you can for 10 seconds. That's tough, but definitely doable. Next, ride it slow for 50 seconds. You're still exercising, but this is actually an "active rest". After that, repeat the 10 high intensity seconds. And so on. You keep repeating the 10 hard seconds followed by 50 easy seconds for at least 20 minutes.

At the end of 20 minutes, you would've rode the bike fast for a grand total of 200 seconds... barely 3 minutes. YET... I bet you're sweating. Hmm, wonder why. Well, because you're actually working out in a smart manner that's efficient for burning fat.

So take this exercise bike workout for weight loss and give it a try and see what you're missing out on.

Interested in Running to Lose Weight? Here Are Some Tips to Ensure Maximum Weight Loss!

Are you interested in running to lose weight? If you're looking into running to lose weight, you're definitely on the right track as running is one of the best ways to get that fat stripped off of your body. The only thing is, how best to get the fat off your body through exercise. There are a few tips I can give you that will help you get rid of the fat that much faster:

1. Try HIIT

If you're into running, you need to try High Intensity Interval Training. This is going to put running on steroids. Basically the concept is to sprint for a good 30 seconds, then jog for a minute and a half, then sprint again for 30 seconds and then to repeat this process as many times as possible. By doing this, you create an insane calorie burn, you can burn calories even after you've stopped exercising with this, so give it a shot.

2. Switch It Up

Another great tip for you if you're looking into running, try switching your exercise equipment to keep your weight loss constant. If all you use is a treadmill, your body will get used to it and you will hit a plateau. However, if you instead switch to another machine like an elliptical, you will throw your body for a loop and be able to continue to see big weight loss numbers.

So if you're into running to lose weight, be sure to try out those two tips, they really do work.