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Monday, October 14, 2013

Highly Effective Healthy Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast Without Resorting to Scary Tactics

Here are some very effective healthy weight loss tips that will let you drop the extra pounds without compromising your health. You can lose weight fast while still allowing your body to thrive on healthy foods and without spending hours at the gym. If you can take just a couple of minutes right now to read this article you can learn how to speed up your loss the healthy way.

Effective Healthy Weight Loss

1. Keep records. Research shows that people who kept food journals lost twice as much weight as those who did not so we know it helps you lose weight but it also helps you make better and healthier eating decisions because it is hard to put "junk food" in your mouth if you know you have to write it down.

2. Shift your snacks. Snacking is fine and you can lose weight fast by eating small meals and snacks throughout the day and to boost your ability to burn fat shift your snacks foods to those that contain protein and vegetables. These foods stay in your system longer keeping you satisfied but they also prevent your insulin from spiking which can temporarily halt your ability to burn fat.

3. Cut the calorie-containing drinks. Sugary sodas, ice teas and coffee drinks add a ton of unwanted calories and do very little to satisfy hunger. They can sabotage your fast weight loss plan.

4. Don't avoid carbs just change when you eat them. Your body needs carbohydrates but you can get a quick drop in weight by finishing eating your carbohydrate foods by lunchtime. This creates an environment in the body that promotes the burning of fat for energy.

You can lose weight fast in a healthy way, use these effective healthy weight loss tips to get the weight off quickly.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

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